Mandy Moore stars in a new romantic comedy titled Love Wedding Marriage and despite the fact that the film also features real-life couple Alyson Hannigan and Alexis Denisof (who I LOVE), there’s another more important reason to see the film. In the movie, Kellan Lutz plays Mandy‘s love interest and wouldn’t you know it … Lutz appears mostly nekkid in the film. In a stroke of advertising genius, Kellan‘s half-nekkid body is also featured in the film’s movie trailer … which you can check out below.
Ok … let’s be real … this movie TOTALLY looks like one of those romcoms that shows up in theaters for a few weeks and then disappears never to be heard or thought of again. To be honest, it barely caught my attending … er, that is until that shirtless Kellan Lutz scene popped up. That being said, I kinda love the idea of Alyson and Alexis playing a feuding couple so … Love Wedding Marriage has actually become a must see movie for me. I’m counting on the chance that there will be more than just one shirtless Kellan Lutz scene so … yeah, I’ll take the chance and check this movie out. Will you?
Roy Lichtenstein
Jimmy Carter
Auguste Rodin
Doris Miller